Inertia is horrible, horribly shackled by the cuffs. If a person is indolent, there will be no such thing as “the dawn of the morning, the court of sprinkling,” and there will be no dangling, condolences seeking spirit of learning, nor will there be day and night, sleepless nights attitude If a unit is infected with sentiment, it will surely march against the waves without wavering, and will drift back and forth without any trace of the past. Inertia is terrible, it will attract people’s attention, so there will always be people for the cause, call people to remove the inert, inspire, make a difference. In recent years, the high standards required for the development of Hebei Province can be described as not so fast. Therefore, the leadership of the new government is not willing to eat anything and is in a hurry. We should do everything possible to change this