中组部、人事部、中央机构编制委员会办公室近日在京举行严肃干部人事工作纪律电视电话会议,要求各级组织人事和机构编制部门严肃干部人事工作纪律,从源头上预防和治理腐败,建设一支实践“三个代表”重要思想的高素质队伍。 近几年来,宁夏同心、甘肃广河、安徽利辛县先后发生了违反干部人事纪律搞不正之风的事件,为杜绝此类事件,中组部、人事部、中央编办联合下发《关于进一步加强管理严肃干部人事工作纪律有关问题的通知》。通知要求加强机构、编制和职数管理,严禁机关、事业单位擅自增加机构编制、突破编制随意增人和超职数配备干部;坚持考试录用制度,严把国家公务员和
The Central Organization Department, the Ministry of Personnel and the Office of the Central Organization Committee recently held a serious telephone and teleconference of discipline in cadres and personnel affairs in Beijing. They urged all levels of personnel and institutions to formulate departments to seriously discipline cadres and personnel, prevent and control corruption from the source and build a High Quality Team to Practice the Important Thought of “Three Represents”. In recent years, Ningxia Concentric, Gansu Guanghe, Lixin County, Anhui have occurred in violation of cadres and personnel discipline not unhealthy tendencies, in order to eliminate such incidents, the Central Organization Department, the Ministry of Personnel, the Central Office jointly issued the “ Notice on Further Strengthening the Management of Serious Cadres and Personnel Discipline. ” The circular called for the strengthening of institutions, establishment and management of the number of occupations. It is forbidden for organs and public institutions to increase their establishment of institutions without authorization, and break through the establishment of cadres who are free to increase or exceed the number of posts. They insist on the examination and hiring system,