In the past 40 years, the research and development of red soil agriculture in Zhejiang Province has gone through several stages. From planting adaptive dry land and large-scale paddy field to developing economic crops such as fruit and tea, it is currently being transferred to a regional integrated Governance and ecological agriculture (or continued agriculture) a new phase of the famous Jinqu red basin soil improvement and agricultural development work, both in the study of individual practical technology and its support, or in the basic theoretical research, in the In and outside the province, even at home and abroad, there are some influences.In recent years, many international cooperation projects are carried out here.With the research and development of red soil in Zhejiang province, which focuses on the work of red soil in Jinqu basin, it attracts more and more domestic and foreign Soil, agriculture, ecology, economy, etc. However, the large-scale development and systematic researches of red soil in Jinqu Basin are mostly concentrated in Jinhua City, while the attention paid to the part of Quzhou City is less.