The setting of the left corner turnaround improves the traffic capacity of the left turn lane at the signalized intersection. Based on the actual left-turn lane turn-around traffic data and the formula for calculating the traffic capacity of the left turn lane in the left turn waiting area, Mouth acceleration, speed and displacement characteristics of the law, the left corner of turn left turn lane actual traffic capacity of the calculation method, and an example to verify the calculation. The results show that the vehicles with queuing at standstill start to appear one after the other with the green light turn left, and the vehicle acceleration changes in a rolling manner linearly with time. The left turn waiting zone can significantly improve the actual traffic capacity of the left turn lane, The proportions are related to the left-turn phase distribution and the length of the left-turn corner zone. The left-turn turn-around zone of the signalized intersection improved the traffic capacity of the left turn lane by 10% to 20%.