金合欢属(Acacia Mill.)属豆科(L-eguminosae)含羞草亚科。该属的树种广泛生长于热带和亚热带。人们一般认为全世界有700~800个种,然而也有人认为有1,000~1,200个种。这个属大多数是旱生树种。在澳大利亚干旱地区最容易分化,至少有400~500个种,其次是非洲,东南亚热带雨林最少,如马来半岛(马来西亚),只有2个金合欢属的攀缘性种。图1,是根据各地的植物志而绘制的金合欢属树木分布的范围示意图,但因文献资料搜集不齐全,有关边界附近的树种分布情况,难以准确。日本冲绳县有1种爬蔓性植物藤金合欢(A.sinuata Merr.),处于野生状态生长,似从别的地区引种而来。据文献资料可知:台湾有2个种(其中一种是台湾相思 A.confusa Merr.菲律宾也有分
Acacia Mill. Is a family of L-eguminosae mimosa subfamily. The species of this genus grows extensively in the tropics and subtropics. It is generally believed that there are 700 to 800 species in the world, while others consider 1,000 to 1,200 species. Most of this genus is a species of xerophytes. There are at least 400 to 500 species in the arid regions of Australia, followed by Africa, with the fewest tropical rain forests in Southeast Asia, such as the Malay Peninsula (Malaysia), with only 2 Acacia climbing species. Figure 1 shows the distribution of acacia trees according to the records of botanic endemic areas. However, due to the incomplete collection of documentation, the distribution of tree species near the border can not be accurately determined. One species of A. sinuata Merr. In Okinawa prefecture, Japan, grows in the wild and seems to be introduced from other regions. According to the literature, there are 2 species in Taiwan (one is A.confusa Merr in Taiwan. There are also some points in the Philippines