今年6月份是全国第一个“安全生产月”。6月初,中国安全生产大检查的飓风在神州大地刮起,由国家有关部委组成的百人检查组全线出击,吹响了安全生产总动员的号角。然而,就在此时,北京却发生了一场令人肝肠寸断的火灾事故:6月16日凌晨,一场熊熊烈火烧毁了海淀区的一家“黑网吧”,造成了24人死亡,13人烧伤。这是新中国成立以来北京市因火灾造成的伤亡最多的一起事故。紧接着,山西、吉林等地又发生了恶性安全事故。 生命是宝贵的,每个劳动者都享有劳动安全保护的权利。近年来,国务院非常重视安全生产,采取了一系列措施,完善有关法律法规,多次部署安全生产专项整治,安全事故曾一度得到遏制。但进入今年4月以来,安全事故频发的势头又卷土重来。“4·15”和“5·7”两起严重空难事故相继发生,夺走230多名旅客的宝贵生命;在国家三令五申关闭小煤矿之后,山西运城非法煤矿又发生透水
June this year is the first “safe production month.” In early June, the hurricane of China’s major inspection of manufacturing safety was blowing up in the vast land of China. A 100-nation inspection team composed of relevant state ministries and commissions attacked all over the country and sounded the horn of the general safety production mobilization. However, just then, a heart-warming fire broke out in Beijing: In the early hours of June 16, a raging fire destroyed a “black cafe” in Haidian District, killing 24 people and 13 people . This is the accident that caused the most casualties in Beijing since the founding of New China. Then, Shanxi, Jilin and other places there have been a vicious security accident. Life is precious, and every worker has the right to work safety protection. In recent years, the State Council attaches great importance to work safety and has adopted a series of measures to improve relevant laws and regulations and repeatedly deploy special rectification work on safety in production. The safety accident was once checked. However, since April this year, the frequent occurrence of security incidents has comeback again. Two serious crashes involving “4.15” and “5.7” took place in succession, claiming the precious lives of over 230 tourists. After the state repeatedly ordered the closure of small coal mines, the illegal coal mines in Yuncheng, Shanxi Province were flooded again