任何分类都是象征性的,但毕竟在青年社会学研究方面可以分为如下几个学派。 1.精神分析学学派 以精神分析为目标的学者,以从精神分析引伸出个人的生活道路的概念为基础。因此,他们主要根据年轻人的年龄、心理和生理特点,根据弗洛依德及其学生和追随者发展了的新弗洛依德主义学派的观点,来确立青年的定义。正是依靠他们的努力,俄狄浦斯情结的理论得到进
Any classification is symbolic, but after all, in the sociology of youth can be divided into the following school. 1. Psychoanalysis Scholars targeting psychoanalysis are based on the concept of psychoanalysis that leads to the path of one’s life. Therefore, they establish the definition of youth primarily based on the age, psychological and physical characteristics of young people, based on the Neo-Freudian school of thought developed by Freud and its students and followers. It is by their efforts that the theory of Oedipus complex has been advanced