
来源 :中学化学教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:selene1988
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2016年广东高考将使用全国Ⅰ卷,这让很多准高考生都慌了手脚。相信广东不少考生或多或少都接触过全国卷,全国卷无论在题型、题量、题目难度等方面上都与广东卷不尽相同,尤其在题目难度上更是难于广东卷。然而,只要掌握了全国卷的命题思路与命题方向,进行有针对性的复习,也能轻松应对全国卷。下面以高中化学中有机化学内容为例,浅析高考化学全国Ⅰ卷与广东卷有机化学大题的差异。一、题型差异在近几年的高考中,广东卷的有机部分是把必修2 Guangdong college entrance examination in 2016 will use the national volume I, which allows many prospective candidates are panic. I believe many examinees in Guangdong more or less have access to the national volume, the volume of the country both in the type of questions, questions, topics and so difficult with the volume of Guangdong are different, especially in the difficulty of the title is more difficult to Guangdong volume. However, as long as the national volume of the proposition ideas and proposition direction, targeted review, but also can easily cope with the national volume. The following high school chemistry in organic chemistry content, for example, analysis of the national college entrance examination Ⅰ volume and the volume of organic chemistry in Guangdong big difference. First, the difference between the types of questions In recent years, college entrance examination, the organic part of the Guangdong volume is the compulsory 2