多年来,司机训练始终延续着“一年训,二年带,三年才能单独开”的方法,一次成才率较低,针对这种情况,我们总结近年来进行“一次合格”训练的经验,重点对现行训练大纲、训练内容和方法以及训练管理等方面进行了大胆改革,逐步探索了新司机训练实现“一年成才”的新路子。经过统考,总成绩及格率为99.5%,优秀率为87.8%,放单率为92.1%。1 查找问题,在训练改革内容上选准突破口 搞好新司机训练改革,首先要确定改革项
Over the years, drivers’ training has always followed the method of “one year’s training, two years of bandwork, and three years of development can be carried out separately.” In the light of this situation, we summarized the experience of conducting “one- The two sides boldly carried out bold reforms in the current training program, training contents and methods, and training management, and gradually explored a new path for the new driver training to achieve ”one year’s success." After the exam, the total passing rate was 99.5%, excellent rate was 87.8%, placing rate was 92.1%. 1 Find problems, select the right breakthrough in the content of training reform Do a good job of the new driver training reform, we must first determine the reform item