1模块式技能培训(MES)的内涵与特征MES(modules of employable skills)译为模块式技能培训,是国际劳工组织(ILO)于20世纪70年代初研究开发出来的用模块形式实施技能培训的系统与方法[1]。20世纪90年代末被原劳动部引入我国,凭借其实用、实效、灵活的特点,很快在国内得以推广,受到一些国有大中型企业及职业技术学校的普遍欢迎,为推动我国的职业培训改革发挥了重要作用。
1 Module Skills Training (MES) Connotation and Features MES (module of employable skills) translated into modular skills training, is the International Labor Organization (ILO) in the early 1970s developed a modular implementation of skills training System and method [1]. In the late 1990s, it was introduced into our country by the former Ministry of Labor. With its practical, practical and flexible features, it was quickly promoted in China and was widely welcomed by some state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises and vocational and technical schools. In order to promote the reform of vocational training in our country, It played an important role.