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在全面推进依法治国的背景下,坚持依法治国、依法执政、依法行政共同推进,坚持法治国家、法治政府、法治社会一体建设,这是法治中国建设战略目标的新内涵。由于主观和客观的复杂诱因,我国现行法制体系尚不完善,同时法律价值观变化也提出了法制民主化革新要求。如何实现我国法制的精细化、良善化和高效化,如何正确认识法治国家、法治政府、法治社会之间的辩证关系,已成为深入转型发展期的重大课题。应当根据全面推进依法治国的战略方针来推进法治一体建设,重点抓住法治政府建设、法治社会建设、地方依法治理等基础环节,通过观念更新、制度创新和政民协力,在新形势下积极探索深入推进依法行政、加快建设法治政府的新路径、新举措,逐步实现良法善治、法治中国的愿景。 In the comprehensive promotion of governing the country according to law, we must adhere to the principle of governing the country according to law, governing the country according to law and administration by law. We must adhere to the principle of “rule by law”, “rule of law” and “the rule of law.” This is the new connotation of the strategic goal of the rule of law in China. Due to the complicated subjective and objective inducement, the current legal system in our country is not yet perfect. At the same time, the change of legal values ​​also raises the requirement of democratization of the legal system. How to realize the elaboration, perfection and efficiency of our country’s legal system and how to correctly understand the dialectical relationship among the countries under the rule of law, the government under the rule of law and the society under the rule of law has become a major issue for further transformation and development. In accordance with the strategy of comprehensively promoting the principle of governing the country according to law, we should promote the integration of the rule of law and the construction of the rule by law. We should focus on the building of the government under the rule of law, the building of a society under the rule of law and the local governance by law. We should actively explore under the new situation through conceptual updating, institutional innovation and political- We will further promote the administration according to law and accelerate the new path and new measures for building a government ruled by law, so as to gradually realize the vision of good governance and rule of law in China.
从最初的繁花绿叶  到泛黄、枯萎、掉落  一株刚买不久的三角梅  病了,它咳嗽、发烧、全身无力  像人一样的活着  在某天的早晨  在一片枯叶掉落的那瞬间  在我为它浇水的过程中  我以为它会死  死于这一天的早晨  死于一个有阳光的冬天  死于我的判断里  就像一个被我用烂的词  像昨晚被我泡淡的茶渣  直到它抽芽的那一刻  我才感到阳光落在手上的温度  才看清生命的样子
德沃金的《法律帝国》注意从“内部”(“internally”)理解一个社会的法律,这很机智也让人钦佩,该书将对法理学产生重大影响。它促进了对实践论辩(practical argumentation)
天涯种地,海角栽花  累了就直起腰,眺望远处的海  千帆过尽,谁才是我等的人  洲上叠沙,水边浣麻  时光冲刷心事,洗白她的长发  斜晖脉脉,谁带我回她的家
双脚终于踏上了坚硬厚实的土地,她轻轻地吁了一口气。轻微的高原反应带来阵阵的不适,眼前一片云雾迷蒙。她甩了甩有些昏沉的脑袋,做着深呼吸。片刻之后,眼前的景象才渐渐清晰起来:沉寂如水的天空蓝得那样干净,那样纯粹,无比贴近地笼罩着你,让你生不起一丝亵渎之心。在这深蓝的苍穹的尽头,巍峨的雪山伫立着,似在守护着这方天地。褐色的公路在碧绿的草地上蜿蜒延展着,通向未知的尽头……  她醉了,被这方纯净的天地陶醉了
人与人之间往往存在着许多种关系,如果想在沙漠中找到一片绿洲,寒冬腊月里收获一缕温暖,困境中有一双援助之手,那就要学会互助共生。  一般来说,人与人之间都有竞争的关系,以为只有超越了对手才会有成就感,从而忽略了互帮互助、共生共存的关系。  其实,帮助他人也就是帮助了自己。有时候,帮助别人一个小忙,也许可以获得意外的收获。  如果,在赤壁之战前夕,孙刘两家未能达成协议,不结成联盟,则刘备集团必亡矣。若