历 程t云南国际公司前身是省政府所属的外经办公室,1984年6月改制为国有外经公司,是一个由机关变更为企业,官员变更为商人的产物。因此,过去的工作方式、机构设置、规章制度、管理模式等都不能适应企业的要求。t从这一实际状况出发,改革与发展对云南外经公司来说非常重要?
History t Yunnan International Company, formerly known as the Foreign Economic Office affiliated to the provincial government, was reorganized as a state-owned foreign-funded corporation in June 1984 and was the product of a change from an organ to an enterprise and an official change to a merchant. Therefore, the past working methods, institutional settings, rules and regulations, management models can not meet the requirements of enterprises. t From this actual situation, the reform and development of Yunnan Foreign Economic Corporation is very important?