“当选‘2005绿色中国年度人物’ 让我感觉更多的是一种责任和压力。” 梁丽明很严肃地告诉记者。 梁丽明是五位年度人物里惟一的 国家公务员,在很多人眼里,环保是 她的工作,做好了是理所当然,做不 好是她工作失误。和那些民间环保斗 士相比,梁丽明在感情上不占优势, 她的工作总让人觉得少了点感动人心 的地方。但是在这次年度人物评选过 程中,梁丽明却高票当选了,给她投 票的很多是太原市民。是什么感动了
“Elected” 2005 Green China People of the Year “makes me feel more of a responsibility and pressure.” Liang Liming told reporters very seriously. Liang Liming is the only national civil servant in the five annual figures. In many eyes, environmental protection is her job. Well done is a matter of course. Compared with those civil environmental fighters, Liang Liming is not emotionally dominant, and her work always makes people feel less touching. However, in this year’s character selection process, Liang Liming was elected to vote, many of her vote is Taiyuan citizens. What is touched