Objective To study the effect of asiaticoside on the growth of melanoma cells. Methods Melanoma cells B16 were routinely subcultured and their growth logarithmic growth phase cells were obtained. The growth inhibition effect of asiaticoside on B16 cells was observed, and the morphological observation of the growth inhibition of B16 cells was performed. Effect of Asiaticoside on Induction of Apoptosis in B16 Cells by. Results As the dosage of asiaticoside increased, the inhibition of mitosis in B16 cells increased. The proportion of annexin-v positive cells that represent early apoptotic cells is increased, the proportion of cells that take up R123 in labeled mitochondria decreases, and the proportion of PI-positive cells that mark nuclear DNA increases, indicating that the drug induces apoptosis or death. Conclusion Asiaticoside has anti-melanoma cell growth.