One-step synthesis of fluorescent hydroxyls-coated carbon dots with hydrothermal reaction and its ap

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shanwq1983
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Carbon dots (CDs) with average diameter of 3.1 ± 0.5 nm were facilely synthesized with candle soot through hydrothermal reaction in sodium hydroxide aqueous solution. The as-prepared CDs were covered with a lot of hydroxyls, possessed properties of good water-solubility, anti-photobleaching, salt tolerance, and low cytotoxicity, and had a fluorescence quantum yield (QY) of about 5.5%. The fluorescence of the hydroxyls-coated CDs could be selectively quenched by metal ions such as Cr3+, Al3+ and Fe3+, which is because these metals can easily combine with the hydroxyl groups on the surface of CDs and induce aggregation of hydroxyls-coated CDs. Experiments showed that the quenching of Cr3+ had a Sterm-Volmer constant of 1.03 × 107 M-1 with a liner range of 1.0-25.0 μM and detection limit of 60 nM (3σ). Carbon dots (CDs) with an average diameter of 3.1 ± 0.5 nm were facilely synthesized with candle soot through hydrothermal reaction in sodium hydroxide aqueous solution. The as-prepared CDs were covered with a lot of hydroxyls, possessed properties of good water-solubility, anti -photobleaching, salt tolerance, and low cytotoxicity, and had a fluorescence quantum yield (QY) of about 5.5%. The fluorescence of the hydroxyls-coated CDs could be selectively quenched by metal ions such as Cr3 +, Al3 + and Fe3 +, which is because These metals can easily combine with the hydroxyl groups on the surface of CDs and induce aggregation of hydroxyls-coated CDs. Experiments showed that the quenching of Cr3 + had a Sterm-Volmer constant of 1.03 × 107 M-1 with a liner range of 1.0- 25.0 μM and detection limit of 60 nM (3σ).
李岚清副总理在 1996年 6月 2 8日关于外语教学的座谈会上指出 :“我国由于英语等外语普及不够 ,影响了对外交往的规模和效率 ,也吃了不少亏 ,对我国许多优秀文化和科技成果
80年代初期 ,我国的中等教育经过结构性调整 ,便由两条腿走路的方式变为三种渠道办学的模式 :一是普通高中 ,为升入高等学校作准备 ;二是职业高中 ,为就业作准备 ;三是中等专
数学课堂练习是学生掌握知识、巩固知识、形成技能、发展思维的重要手段。教师加强课堂练习设计 ,不但能促使学生建立合理的知识结构 ,而且也是了解学生掌握知识情况 ,及时改
据《中华妇产科杂志》1995年30卷第12期报道 中国医学科学院肿瘤医院李爱苓等,对1958年2月~1987年10月该院子宫颈癌放射治疗后发生的放射性膀胱炎378例进行了回顾性分析。 结