我们根据苏州医学院附一院泌尿科的报导,于1975年7月~1980年9月采用精索内静脉与大隐静脉吻合术治疗精索静脉曲张症7例,经随访1个月至3年多疗效满意,报告如下: 手术方法在长效腰麻或硬膜外麻醉下,先于腹股沟韧带上一横指作平行斜切口,顺序切开皮肤皮下组织及腹外斜肌腱膜,结扎出血点,然后剪开精索筋膜,钝性分开提睾肌,显露蔓状丛及精索内静脉,见其管径约3~5mm。于腹内环或其上方切断结扎精索内静脉之近端,远端游离出一段约3厘米,备作吻合。若有
According to the report of the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou Medical College urology, from July 1975 to September 1980 the use of spermatic vein and saphenous vein anastomosis in the treatment of varicocele in 7 cases, followed up for 1 month to 3 More years of satisfactory results, the report is as follows: surgical methods in long-term spinal anesthesia or epidural anesthesia, first in the inguinal ligament on a cross-oblique parallel to the incision, cut the skin subcutaneously and oblique oblique aponeurosis, ligation of bleeding Point, and then cut the spermaticfacial fascia, blunt Septate cremaster muscle, showing the clumps and spermatic vein, see its diameter of about 3 ~ 5mm. In the abdominal loop or above the ligation of spermatic vein ligation of the proximal end of the distal free a period of about 3 cm, prepared for anastomosis. If yes