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主持人语:近年来,中国画坛“包装”或吹捧的宣传几近泛滥,真是“名家成林、大师成片、泰斗成批”,这是中国绘画史上从来未出现过的怪诞现象。原因何在?缺少批评!或可认为,中国画界严格意义上的批评几乎看不到。按理说,画家水平的优劣,由作品说话,但绘画作品毕竟不同于数学公式那样有标准可依,特别是大众的审美观滞后于艺术家,宣传往往对大众的艺术审美有很大的导向性。如果某位画家或作品在电视或书刊上介绍多了,或是得到某位名家的评价高了,这位画家在百姓中产生的影响就大,其作品的价位亦随之升高。因此一些画人将功夫用在画外,拼命宣传、包装自己,或骂名人,或自我打假,制造一个个新闻热点;或不惜重金请名家吹捧,以提高自己的知名度。有位不甚有名的画家,“请”到十多位名家为其撰文,评价之高,不但在当代无人可比,即在中国绘画史上也很少有人能获此殊荣。即此可以想见当下批评界的现状。当然,我不是反对对一些画家作宣传包装,在当今商品经济社会中,作些宣传、包装当无可非议,而且对那些出色的有成就的画家应该宣传,特别是对创新意识较强的青年画家更应该大力宣传,让其脱颖而出。但在宣传过程中要实事求是,反对浮夸、弄虚作假。另外对一些画家的宣传或包装现象要客观分析,有的并非画家本人意愿,或子女、或弟子、或下属、或收藏家,他们为了各自目的,拼命拔高或夸大其艺术水平或成就,有的甚至将已患神经病的画家作品吹捧得如何如何的高,可能他真懂得神经病人的审美意识了;还有的则是宣传单位有意炒“热点”,如有一电视台,一夜之间在本市推出了五位画坛泰斗,有意思的是,这五位画家自己都不知怎么回事,忙于解释,苦不堪言。有感于画坛与批评界的混乱状态,有感于“名画家”的过分拔高或名实不符现象,《国画家》特设《为名画家卸装》栏目,意在弘扬画坛正气,树立正确的批评导向,澄清画坛的学术空气,促进艺术的繁荣发展,欢迎理论家与画家们的介入,共同将这个栏目办好。所要说明的是,本栏目是对名画家进行较为客观公允的评价,重点就其艺术成就及其成为“名家”的原因进行分析,卸去铅华,去伪存真,让其显露出真正的名家风采。来稿应严格把握批评分寸,文责自负。特邀学术主持阮荣春教授顾平博士 Moderator: In recent years, the popularity of “packaging” or touted propaganda in Chinese painting circles is really “famous and successful.” This is a weird phenomenon never seen before in Chinese painting history. What is the reason? Lack of criticism! Or may think that the strict sense of criticism of the Chinese painting industry almost can not see. It stands to reason that the level of the painter is good and bad, and the work speaks, but after all, the painting works are different from the standard mathematical formulas. In particular, the public lags behind the aesthetic standards of the public, and the publicity often has a great guiding effect on the aesthetic appreciation of the public . If an artist or a piece of work introduces more on television or in a book, or gets a high opinion from a famous person, the painter will have a greater impact on the population and a higher price for his work. Therefore, some painters use kung fu as a medium of painting, desperately publicizing, wrapping themselves, or cursing celebrities, or making self-infringement and creating news hot spots one after another; or blame the famous artists for raising their popularity. A less famous painter, “Please” to more than a dozen famous writers for its high appraisal, not only in the contemporary comparable, that is, in the history of Chinese painting few people can get this honor. That is to say we can see the current situation of the critics. Of course, I am not opposed to the publicity and packaging of some painters. In my commercial economy today, I am going to make some propaganda and packaging as beyond reproach and should be promoted to those outstanding and accomplished painters, especially to young painters who are more creative and innovative Should be vigorously publicized to make it stand out. However, in the process of publicity, we must seek truth from facts, oppose exaggeration and resort to fraud. In addition, some artist’s propaganda or packaging phenomenon should be objectively analyzed. Some are not the painter’s own wishes, or children, disciples, subordinates, or collectors who try their best to elevate or exaggerate the artistic level or achievement for their own purposes. Some Even touted the painful works of neurotic painters. Perhaps he really understands the aesthetic awareness of neuropathic patients. Others are interested in “hot spots” for propaganda units. If a television station is launched in the city overnight The five masters of the art scene, it is interesting that these five painters do not know how else, busy explaining, miserable. There is a sense of chaos in the painting circles and criticism circles. It feels that the “painter” is over-represented or inconsistent with its name. The “painter of the country” Criticize the orientation, clarify the academic atmosphere of the painting circles and promote the flourishing development of the arts. We welcome the intervention of theorists and painters to jointly manage this section. What should be explained is that this column is a more objective and fair evaluation of the famous painters, focusing on their artistic achievements and the reasons for becoming a “famous person”, analyzing and unloading the lead, to deceive the real, revealing the real masters style. Contributions should be strictly criticized for their sense of propriety. Invited academic chair Professor Gu Ping Rong Gu Ping