中国国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)氦冷固态氚增殖剂实验包层模块(CHITER HC-SB TBM)设计已经完成。给出了HC-SB TBM的总体设计、性能分析和相关辅助系统的设计。HC-SB TBM氚增殖区的设计采用BOT概念,锂陶瓷做氚增殖剂,氦气做冷却剂和载氚介质,铁素体马氏体钢做结构材料,铍做中子倍增材料。设计和分析结果表明,所提出的设计具有高氚增殖率、结构简单和工程上可行的特点。
The design of the CHITER HC-SB TBM has been completed for the ITER International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). The overall design and performance analysis of HC-SB TBM and the design of related auxiliary system are given. The design of the tritium multiplication zone of HC-SB TBM adopts the concept of BOT, the tritium multiplication agent of lithium ceramics, the coolant of helium and the carrier of tritium, the ferritic martensitic steel as the structural material, and the beryllium as the neutron multiplication material. Design and analysis results show that the proposed design has high tritium proliferation rate, simple structure and engineering feasibility.