In 1975, a research team for the roof waterproofing department of a unit design department conducted a major survey on the waterproofing of the roof of a single-layer industrial plant. The linoleum roof waterproofing situation and the total life span are summarised in Table 1. 1. Problems and Harmfulness of Coiled Roofs From Table 1, it can be seen that the lining roofs are generally cracked, flawed, bulging, old, and leaky, and the leakage is the result of cracks, drums, squatting, and oldness. The damage is shown in Table 2 and Table 3. From Table 3, it can be seen that: 1 The leakage is most serious along the three parts of the truss transverse joints, gutters, and rainwater outlets, accounting for more than 50% of the total number of workshops surveyed; followed by parapets, gables, and cornices, and leakage accounts for 29%. 42%; expansion joints, settlement joints, sunroof leakage, etc. accounted for about 19 to 30%. 2 along the truss