Female patient, 66 years old, farmer. Painful multijoint pain with fever was admitted to hospital on July 1, 1987 in March. The patient had felt pain on both knees, ankles, hips, and elbow joints after taking tea labor three months ago. Symptoms and migratory seizures were associated with fever, fatigue, and anorexia. After being treated with rheumatic fever and rheumatoid arthritis by the township hospital for about half a month, the symptoms did not improve. He was transferred to our hospital and was previously healthy and had no history of arthritis. Physical examination: body temperature 37.4°C, pale, mild anaemia, superficial lymph nodes not touched, heart and lung auscultation normal, abdominal softness without tenderness, liver and spleen not touched under the ribs, no contact with abdominal mass, knee, shoulder, elbow, ankle Mild swelling, tenderness (+), no movement disorder, no rash and pigmentation spots on the whole body skin. Laboratory tests: Hb94g/L, WBC40×10~9/L, N0.92, L0.08, platelet count 120×10~9/L, ESR 40mm/h, serum alanine aminotransferase 40u or less, serum albumin 28g /L, globulin