开展经济监督组织行为研究,对优化监督行为、提高监督效果,具有重要的促进作用。笔者对此提出初步看法。 (一)监督组织个性研究 监督组织个性,是指经济监督有关主体,在履行监督职能过程中表现出来的心理倾向。主要有两种情况: 1.X个性假定。这种个性在经济监督组织个体身上表现为:
Carrying out research on the behavior of economic supervision organizations plays an important role in optimizing supervision behaviors and improving the supervision effect. I made a preliminary view of this. (A) the supervision of organizational personality Research and supervision of organizational personality, refers to the economic supervision of the main body, in the process of performing its supervisory functions showed psychological tendencies. There are two main situations: 1.X personality assumption. This kind of individuality is manifested in the individual of the economic supervision organization as follows: