Effect of driving cycles on energy efficiency of electric vehicles

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:czg
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Based on several typical domestic and foreign driving cycles, the energy usage efficiency of the EVs-XL 2000 type electric vehicle (EV) is analyzed. The energy usage efficiency of EVs and the evaluation index of electromotor efficiency are studied. The concepts of “interval usage percentage of energy efficiency” and “exertion degree of energy efficiency” of electromotor are presented. The effects of driving cycles on the distribution of the running status of electromotor and the efficiency are investi-gated. The efficiency of electromotor and the trend of average driving force at different driving cycles are discussed. The exertion degree of energy efficiency and the total power train efficiency of the EVs-XL 2000 type electric vehicle at typical driving cycles are analyzed and calculated. The result indicates that the driving cycle engenders a big influence on the exertion degree of electromotor energy efficiency at different driving cycles. Dissimilar driving cycles result in different efficiency distributions of electromotor, the control system as well as the average driving force and driving range are variable. Based on several typical domestic and foreign driving cycles, the energy usage efficiency of the EVs-XL 2000 type electric vehicle (EV) is analyzed. The energy usage efficiency of EVs and the evaluation index of electromotor efficiency are studied. The concepts of “ interval usage percentage of energy efficiency ”and “ exertion degree of energy efficiency ”of electromotor are presented. The effects of driving cycles on the distribution of the running status of electromotor and the efficiency are investi-gated. The efficiency of electromotor and the trend of average driving force at different driving cycles are discussed. The exertion degree of energy efficiency and the total power train efficiency of the EVs-XL 2000 type electric vehicle at typical driving cycles are analyzed and calculated. engenders a big influence on the exertion degree of electromotor energy efficiency at different driving cycles. Dissimilar driving cycles result in dif ferent efficiency distributions of electromotor, the control system as well as the average driving force and driving range are variable.
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