Okra, alias croissants, peppercorns, malvaceae okra is an annual herb, native to Africa, considerable flowers can also be used as vegetables, can be cultivated in most parts of our country. 1 habit of growth Okra is a warm temperature plants, heat-resistant, intolerant frost. Seed germination temperature 10 ~ 35 ℃, 25 ~ 30 ℃ optimum; growth and development suitable temperature 25 ~ 28 ℃. Okra hi light, not shade. Large demand for water, adaptability to the soil, whether clay or sandy loam can grow. Flowers okra diameter 4 ~ 8cm, each leaf axillary students a flower. The fruit is a capsule, claw-shaped, about 15 ~ 20cm, with ribs 5 to 8. Tender fruit