1 病例报告患者男,67岁。因“突然意识丧失,小便失禁20 min”于2004年11月26日22时25分由120送入我院急诊。患者于20 min 前突然软倒在床上,意识丧失,呼之不应,脉搏消失,小便失禁。家人急呼120送至我院。入院查体:体温36.0℃,脉搏、呼吸、血压均测不到;神志不清,呼之不应,抬入病房,双瞳孔等大等圆,直径约0.4 cm,对光反射消失;双肺呼吸音消失,心音消失,腹软,全身深、浅反射均消失;心电监护及心电图显示心电呈一直线。诊断:心跳呼吸骤停。诊断明确后立即行心肺复苏术(CPR),持续胸外心脏按压,人工呼吸,建立静脉通路,予肾上腺素1mg、3mg、5mg静脉推注,以及静注地塞米松,静滴碳酸氢钠等治疗后,患者
1 case report Patient male, 67 years old. Because of “a sudden loss of consciousness, incontinence 20 min ” at 22:25 on November 26, 2004 from 120 into our hospital emergency room. Suddenly the patient fell softly in bed 20 min ago, loss of consciousness, should not call, pulse disappeared, urinary incontinence. 120 families sent to our hospital. Admission examination: body temperature 36.0 ℃, pulse, respiration, blood pressure were not measured; unconsciousness, call should not be carried into the ward, double pupil and other large circle, a diameter of about 0.4 cm, the light reflex disappeared; Breath sounds disappear, heart sounds disappear, abdominal soft, deep, shallow reflex disappeared; ECG and ECG showed a straight line. Diagnosis: sudden cardiac arrest. Cardiac resuscitation (CPR) was performed immediately after diagnosis. Continuous chest compressions and artificial respiration were established. Venous access was established. Intravenous adrenaline (1 mg, 3 mg, 5 mg) and intravenous dexamethasone After treatment, patients