家庭档案是一个家庭或家庭成员在社会活动和家庭生活中形成的各种有保存价值的历史记录。 关于建立家庭档案,目前还没有一个统一的要求和规范,但随着经济、科技和信息的高速发展及社会的全面进步,建立家庭档案,势在必行,它将会成为人们的自觉行为。 一、建立家庭档案的重要性和必要性。 1、建立家庭档案,是家政科学管理和促进社会、家庭文明建设的需要。 家庭是社会的细胞,是社会赖以生存和发展的基础,随着社会的不断进步,人们对家庭有了更新更深层次的认识,即:家庭不仅仅是人类生存栖身的一个生活
Family archives are a collection of historically valuable records of the social and family life that family or family members have formed. With regard to the establishment of family archives, there is not yet a unified requirement and norms yet. However, with the rapid development of economy, science and technology and information and the all-round social progress, it is imperative to establish family archives and it will become a conscious act of people. First, the importance and necessity of establishing family files. 1, the establishment of family files, is the science of domestic management and promote social and family civilization construction needs. Family is the cell of society and the basis for the survival and development of society. As the society progresses, people have a new and deeper understanding of the family, that is, the family is not only a life inhabited by human beings