The philosopher Descartes thinks that he had found the truth when he wrote his famous quote, “I think therefore I am.” In fact, he expressed one of the most fundamental mistakes: thinking is considered as existence, and is in agreement with thinking. Compulsive thinkers (in fact, almost everyone) live in a divided state - a crazy and complex world full of problems and conflicts, one that reflects the increasingly divided world in which our brains are divided. Enlightenment is a perfect realm, unity and peace, unity with life and the world it manifests, and there is unity in the undisguised life of your deepest self. Enlightenment is not only the end of agony and of internal and external conflicts of mind and body, but also the end of thinking. It will be an incredible emancipation! Thinking identity creates a series of concepts, marks, images, words, judgments and definitions that hinder all true relationships. These things are between you and yourself, between you and others, between you and nature, between you and God. that’s it