The high-power femtosecond pulse generation system composed of Ytterbium-doped fiber amplifier, high-nonlinear fiber (HNLF) and grating pairs is theoretically analyzed. Due to the inherent limited bandwidth effect of Ytterbium-doped fiber amplifier, the pulse parabolic waveform and the linear chirp distortion will be affected and the pulse compression will be affected. Introducing a highly nonlinear fiber between the amplifier and the grating pair can broaden the pulse spectrum while maintaining waveform and linear chirp. The effects of different nonlinear coefficients and dispersion parameters on the compression pulse width and compression efficiency are calculated for high nonlinear optical fiber. Studies have shown that higher nonlinear coefficients can further reduce the minimum compression pulse width, but the compression efficiency also becomes more pronounced as the fiber length increases; lower dispersion parameters favor shorter compression pulses and relative Higher dispersion parameters do not significantly reduce the compression efficiency; within a certain range, compression pulses can be shortened by extending the length of the highly nonlinear optical fiber, while at the same time requiring both compression efficiency.