Male, 59 years old, anorexia since 1985, fatigue; early 1987, dizziness, palpitations, gum erosion in July the same year, pale, on August 30 into our hospital. Physical examination: anemic appearance, weight loss, body temperature 38.5 ℃, systemic skin bleeding or ecchymosis, submaxillary lymph node peanuts with tenderness, scleral no yellow dye, gingival ulcers, no overflow pus bleeding, sternal tenderness, No abnormal heart and lung, liver and spleen were not touched. Laboratory tests: peripheral blood cells and mononuclear immature cells, nucleated erythrocytes, megakaryocytes and megakaryocyte fragments; bone marrow nucleated cell proliferation was active, red, granular, single, megakaryocytic malignant hyperplasia. Erythroid hyperplasia is active, with the original and premature erythroblastic hyperplasia, visible juvenile and multicellular red blood cells, mitotic increased significantly. Granules account for only bone