金陵蒋氏以其富甲一方和乐善好施,为近、现代江南地区,特别是在广大回族中所家喻户晓的。这个家族活动于我国经济繁荣、文化发达的地区,因此它的发家、变迁史和家族风尚对于研究具有浓郁江南地方色彩的金陵回族具有一定的意义。 (一)发家与育人 蒋氏原籍安徽含山,清中叶有蒋锦堂者以漕运而迁居江苏南京,历文源,恒清二世,都与广大回族一样生活在社会的底层,从事小商小贩以谋生计,直至翰臣与福基兄弟这一辈艰苦创业,始彻底改变了家族面貌。南京古称金陵,由于已定居数辈,乃自称“金陵蒋氏”。
Jinling Chiang with its wealthy party and good charities, for the recent, modern Jiangnan area, especially in the vast Hui nationality in the well-known. This family activity is active in the prosperous and culturally developed areas of our country. Therefore, its fortune, history of change and family style are of great significance to the study of the Hui people in Jinling with rich local colors in southern China. (A) fortune and educate Chiang Kai-shek Chiang Kai-shek natives in Anhui Province, Chiang Kai-shek in the mid-Qing who moved to Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, calendar source, Heng Qing II, are the same as the majority of the Hui people living in the bottom of society, Livelihoods until Hanchen and the Foucault brothers arduously started their own business have fundamentally changed the face of the family. Nanjing ancient name Jinling, as has settled a few generations, but claimed to be “Jinling Chiang.”