本实验的目的是进一步研究用平菇提取物治疗主动脉粥样硬化(简称AS)斑块的效果,并与安妥明进行对比观察。材料和方法一、分组及给药: 日本健康大耳白家兔91只,雄性、6月龄,体重2.0~2.5kg。模型期所有家兔每只于每日清晨喂胆固醇0.5g,造型3个月后处死5只,证实主动脉AS斑块形成。根据造型后不同的血脂水平随机分为4组,A组23只(平菇醇提物治疗组),每只5g/日;B组21只(平菇水提物治疗组),每只5g/日;C组21只(安妥明治疗组),每只80mg/日;D组21只为对照组。治疗期间仍间断喂胆固醇
The purpose of this experiment was to further study the effect of Pleurotus ostreatus extract on the treatment of atherosclerotic atherosclerosis (abbreviated as AS) plaques and to compare it with Clofibrate. Materials and methods 1. Grouping and administration: 91 healthy white rabbits, male, 6 months old, weighing 2.0-2.5 kg. During the model period, all rabbits fed cholesterol 0.5g in the early morning of the morning and 5 rats were sacrificed after modeling for 3 months. This confirmed the formation of AS plaques in the aorta. According to different lipid levels after modeling, were randomly divided into 4 groups, A group of 23 (Pleurotus ostreatus alcohol extract treatment group), each 5g/day; B group of 21 (Pleurotus ostreatus water extract treatment group), each 5g / Day; C group 21 (An Tuo Ming treatment group), each 80 mg / day; D group 21 as the control group. Cholesterol is still fed intermittently during treatment