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一、问题呈现苏科版八年级物理上册3.3《光的直线传播》中以活动3.5“做几个有趣的影子游戏”(图1)来引入课题,旨在增强课堂的趣味性,激发学生学习乐趣。但教师往往更习惯于用“光沿直线传播”知识来解释“影子的形成”。与此同时,课后习题第1题“怎样才能通过三个小孔看到烛焰?试一试。”(图2)是学生在学习了知识后的一个应用。本人认为若将此活动与“影子”游戏位置对调会有意想不到的收获。 First, the problem presented Suke eighth grade Physics Volume 3.3 “light of linear transmission” to the activities of 3.5 “to do a few interesting shadow game ” (Figure 1) to introduce the subject, designed to enhance the fun of the classroom, inspired Students learn to have fun. But teachers are often more accustomed to explaining “the formation of the shadow ” using the knowledge of “light along a straight line.” At the same time, after-school exercise, the first question “How can we see the candle flame through the three holes? Try it.” (Figure 2) is an application of learning knowledge. I think if this activity and “Shadow ” game position will have an unexpected gain.