1989年12月2日,印度反对党领袖维·普·辛格宣誓就任印度总理,此事标志着尼赫鲁家族37年统治过程的第4次中断。作为印度一个较小王室的后裔,辛格于六十年代后期参加了国大党,并以一名忠诚的党员身分开始其政治生涯。他在国大党内步步高升,八十年代初就任全印度人口最稠密的北方邦最高行政长官,并获得了正直和诚恳的声誉。反腐败,建立引以自豪的政府 1986年当他在前总理拉吉夫·甘地的内阁中担任财长时,辛格就发动了制裁偷税漏税和政府腐败的运动并得到全国一致的称颂。当辛格进行的调
On December 2, 1989, Vip Singh, the leader of the Opposition in India, was sworn into the post of Prime Minister of India, marking the fourth interruption of the 37-year rule of the Nehru family. As a descendant of a smaller Indian royal family, Singh joined the Congress Party in the late 1960s and began his political career as a loyal party member. He stepped up at the Congress Party and became the highest-ranking chief executive of all India’s most populous Uttar Pradesh in the early 1980s, gaining a reputation of integrity and earnestness. ANTI-CORRUPTION AND ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC GOVERNMENT When he was Treasury Secretary in 1986 in the cabinet of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, Singh launched a campaign to sanction tax evasion and government corruption and was unanimously praised throughout the country. When Singh conducted the tune