急性心肌梗塞治疗药瑞替普酶(Retavase) 商品名Retavase,(德)Boehringer Mannheim公司,1996年在国内首次上市。注射剂,每瓶10U,适应于急性心肌梗塞病人的溶栓治疗。每次数10U注射给药,30分钟后重复要的不良反应的出血卵巢癌治疗药,拓扑替康盐酸盐(Topotecan Hydrochloride)商品名Hycamtin,(英)smithKline Beecham制药公司,1996年首次在美国上市。瓶装粉剂,用于其他药物治疗无效的转移性卵巢患者。在限定剂量下本品可出现骨髓抑制等毒性反应,尤其可引起中性白细胞减少。
Acute Myocardial Infarction Treatment Retrease (Retavase) Retavase, (Boehringer Mannheim) Company, first listed in China in 1996. Injection, 10U per bottle, adapted to thrombolytic therapy in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Topical Canopies Hydrochloride Hycamtin, smithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals Inc., first marketed in the United States in 1996, for the first time in 10 Ujections, 30 minutes after repeated adverse reactions, . Bottled powder for use in patients with metastatic ovarian disease that is refractory to other medical treatments. In the limited dose of the product may appear bone marrow suppression and other toxic reactions, in particular, can cause neutropenia.