Nonlinear Elastic Constitutive Model of Soil-Structure Interfaces Under Relatively High Normal Stres

来源 :Journal of China University of Mining & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:panshuangchun
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The shear characteristics of soil-structure interfaces with different roughness are studied systematically by us-ing the DRS-1 high normal stress and residual shear apparatus. The experimental results indicate that,under a relatively high normal stress,normal stress and the coefficient of structural roughness are the most important factors affecting the mechanical interface characteristics. The relationship between shear stress and shear displacement of the soil-structure interface is a hyperbolic curve with high regression accuracy. Based on our experimental results,a nonlinear elastic con-stitutive model of the soil-structure interface under relatively high normal stress is established with a definite physical meaning for its parameters. The model can predict the strain hardening behavior of the soil during the shearing process. The results show an encouraging agreement with experimental data from direct shear tests. The shear characteristics of soil-structure interfaces with different roughness are studied systematically by us-ing the DRS-1 high normal stress and residual shear apparatus. The experimental results that that under a relatively high normal stress, normal stress and the coefficient of structural roughness of the most important factors affecting the mechanical interface characteristics. The relationship between shear stress and shear displacement of the soil-structure interface is a hyperbolic curve with high regression accuracy. Based on our experimental results, a nonlinear elastic con-stitutive model of the The model can predict the strain hardening behavior of the soil during the shearing process. The results show an encouraging agreement with experimental data from direct shear tests.
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Look! The boy has a big mouth,two big eyes,a small nose and two big ears.He likes to eat chocolate,but he doesn't like to eat rice no matter how hungry he is. H
今天,爸爸带我到浴室洗澡,我的收获可真不小。  哦,已经一个星期没有洗澡了,身上可真脏!看来今天得和细菌“大战”一场了!嘿嘿!细菌接招吧!  到了“战场”,一群细菌冲了上来,我们的军队——“清理队”毫不示弱,对准细菌发起猛攻,用“洪水”冲它们。可是,刚冲走一批,又来了一群。它们不停地向咱队开炮。嘿,都什么时代了?还用这种武器!看我们的!“哒哒哒”——飞机来也!“嘭嘭嘭”——坦克来也!“呜哇呜哇”—
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