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无论是宏观经济层面,还是企业经营层面,都处在充满不确定性的环境中,不可预测、多元化、复杂化,成为价值型企业将是未来中国企业的发展之路。在全球化的背景下,中国企业在完成了三十多年的快速成长之后,面临着新的成长问题。北京大学国家发展研究院陈春花教授提出,成为价值型企业是未来中国企业所需要努力的方向。“30年前,中国企业发展的机会来源于中国市场;30年后,中国企业的下一个发展的机会来源于来源于成长为价值型企业的过程。”对于当下的中国企业而言,除了要面对经济“新常态”之外,陈春花认为,最大的挑战应该是要应对“不 Both the macroeconomic level and the enterprise management level are in an environment full of uncertainty, unpredictable, diversified and complicated. Being a value-based enterprise will be the way for the development of Chinese enterprises in the future. In the context of globalization, Chinese enterprises are facing new growth problems after more than 30 years of rapid growth. Professor Chen Chunhua from National Institute of Development of Peking University proposed that becoming a value-oriented enterprise is the direction that Chinese enterprises need to work hard in the future. ”Thirty years ago, opportunities for Chinese enterprises to develop were derived from the Chinese market. Thirty years from now, opportunities for the next development of Chinese enterprises come from the process of growing into value-based enterprises.“ For the current Chinese enterprises, In addition to facing the economic ”new normal“, Chen Chunhua believes that the biggest challenge should be to deal with ”not"
建国50多年来,特别是改革开放以来,我国政治、经济、科技、文化得到了迅速发展,教育事业的改革与发展取得令人瞩目的巨大成就,特别是政治课的改革迈出了新的步伐,主要体现在以下几个方面:  一、突破应试教育的“包围”走进“素质教育”  长时期以来,政治课被简单地理解为说教课、背诵课,传统的政治教学,就是一言堂、满堂灌,照本宣科,条条框框等教条式教学,围绕“应试”开展教育教学活动的传统教育模式,是一种面向