今年11月12日,是我国资产阶级民主革命的先行者、伟大的民主主义革命家孙中山先生诞辰130周年纪念日。他领导人民推翻帝制,建立共和国后,十分重视发展煤炭工业。 1912年1月1日,孙中山在南京就任临时大总统时,庄严宣誓:“颠覆满洲专制政府,巩固中华民国,图谋民生幸福,此国民之
November 12 this year is the forerunner of the bourgeois democratic revolution in China and the 130th anniversary of the birth of the great democratic revolutionary Sun Yat-sen. After leading the people to overthrow the monarchy and establishing the republic, he attached great importance to the development of the coal industry. On January 1, 1912, when Sun Yat-sen took office as interim president in Nanjing, he solemnly took the following oath: "Subverting the autocratic Manchurian government, consolidating the Republic of China, and seeking the livelihood of the people,