宋之的,原名宋汝昭,我国著名剧作家、散文作家。 1914年4月6日(农历3月11日),宋之的出生于河北省丰润县宋家口头村。父亲宋锡功是个农民,子女众多,生活贫困。宋之的十一岁时,因家庭经济困难,被寄养于绥远铁路工程处作小职员的二伯父宋锡铭家里。小学和中学时代,宋之的在新文化思潮的影响下,阅读了不少新文艺作品,并积极参加学校的游艺活动,尤喜戏剧。1929年,蒋阎军阀大战前夕,绥远时局动荡,宋之的被二伯父送
Song’s, formerly known as Song Ru Zhao, China’s famous playwright, prose writer. April 6, 1914 (Lunar New Year March 11), Song Zhi was born in Fengrun County, Hebei Province, Song Village verbal. His father, Song Xigong, is a farmer with many children and poor living standards. Song’s 11-year-old, due to financial difficulties in the family, was fostered at the Suiyuan Railway Office as a clerk two uncle Song Ximing home. In the primary and secondary school days, under the influence of the new cultural trend, Song Zhi read many new literary and artistic works and actively participated in school recreational activities, especially the drama. In 1929, on the eve of Jiang Yan warlord war, the current situation in Suiyuan turmoil, Song was the second uncle sent