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出版社的总编辑,是出版社编辑工作的总管,是出书的总设计师。在社长的领导下,在出书范围内,总编辑应坚持正确的出书方向,根据经营计划负责全社选题的整体策划、出书结构优化、书稿水平和书稿质量提高、编辑队伍素质提高以及编辑管理等项工作。首先,总编辑要把好选题批准权和书稿终审权。只要这两个大权不旁落,出书就不会有大的问题。对于出书品种少的出版社,总编辑可以亲自行使这两个大权。对于出书品种多的大出版社,总编辑虽不能全部亲自行使这两个大权,但这两个大权决不能失控,要通过健全的规章制度和可靠的保障机制,确保这两个大权的有效行使。其次,总编辑要抓好选题的整体策划、出书结构优化及书稿品位和书稿质量,以形成出书的整体效应和品牌效应。整体效应和品牌效应是市场经济竞 The chief editor of the publishing house, is the chief editor of the publishing house, is the chief designer of the book. Under the leadership of the president, the editor-in-chief should adhere to the correct direction of publishing the books, take charge of the overall planning of the whole society according to the business plan, optimize the publishing structure, improve the quality of manuscripts and manuscripts, and improve the quality of editing teams As well as editing and management work. First of all, the editor-in-chief should give the author the right to approve the title and the right of final adjudication. As long as the two powers do not bypass the book will not have a big problem. For publishing houses with fewer books, the editor-in-chief can exercise both powers. For large publishing houses, the chief editor may not exercise all these two powers in person, but these two great powers must not be out of control. To ensure the effectiveness of these two powers through sound rules and regulations and a reliable safeguard mechanism exercise. Second, the editor-in-chief should grasp the overall planning of the topics, optimize the structure of the book, and the quality of the manuscripts and manuscripts so as to form the overall effect and brand effect of the book. The overall effect and brand effect is the market economy competitive
国外电影胶片概况英国电影胶片生产情况感光材料工业的进展国外特种胶片概况日本1972年度感光材料工业银和照相工业近年国外感光胶片抗静电剂发展 状况国外彩色电影最新进展
百科全书,为书籍收藏家所爱,也是知识探索者的工具。M.E.Sharp 出版公司的新版的几套百科全书,有一点异军突起意思,不知能否为国内读者所青睐。这几套百科全书是:《世界恐怖
富士胶片公司1972年出售了8mm,超8mm彩正8822,这是一种微粒、高清晰度的胶片。现在又把这种技术应用在制作35mm、16mm彩正上,同时又特别注意改 Fujifilm sold the 8mm, ult