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如何在预备役部队中贯彻和实践军队思想政治建设的历史使命,事关预备役部队建设的质量和作用的发挥。笔者结合学习《决定》,结合预备役部队的特点,谈几点体会。 一、着眼于增强思想政治建设使命感,把固本强根作为确保预任官兵政治合格的基本途径。 我军思想政治建设的“两个提供”是新时期思想政治建设的出发点和落脚点。确保预任官兵政治合格,努力提高预备役部队快速集结和遂行任务的能办,应始终如一地把政治思想建设放在首位。围绕“两个提供”加强预备役部队思想政治建设,应重点搞好以下教育:科学理论教育。辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义是马克思主义全部学说的思想,是人类迄今为止最完整的科学世界观。加强预备役部队思想政治建设应该注重奠基固本,引导全体官兵特别是各级领导干部牢固树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观。基本路线教育。基本路线是党在社会主义初级阶段统 How to carry out and practice the historical mission of the PLA’s ideological and political building in the reserve army is related to the quality and role of the reserve army building. The author combines learning “decision”, combined with the characteristics of reserve forces, talk about some experience. First, focus on strengthening the sense of mission of ideological and political construction and regard strengthening the root of power as a basic way to ensure the political qualification of the predecessor officers and soldiers. The “Two Offering” of Our Army’s Political and Ideological Building is the Starting Point and the Focal Point of Ideological and Political Construction in the New Period. To ensure that the officers and men who advance the rank and file are qualified for political advancement and strive to improve the ability of the reserve forces to quickly assemble and perform their tasks should always place political and ideological building first. Focusing on the “two offers” to strengthen the ideological and political construction of reserve forces, we should focus on the following education: education in scientific theory. Dialectical materialism and historical materialism are the ideology of all the Marxist theories and the most complete scientific worldview to mankind so far. To reinforce the ideological and political building of the reserve forces, we should lay emphasis on foundation construction and guide all officers and men, especially leading cadres at all levels, to firmly establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values. Basic line education. The basic line is the party’s primary stage of socialism
宁夏有色金属冶炼厂、西北稀有金属材料研究院始建于 1965年,是我国最大的钽、铌、铍生产、科研基地,也是国际钽铌研究中心 (TIC)唯一的中国成员 ,与美国的卡博特、德国的迟道
卫生洁具的节水防漏,是我国业内必须重视的问题。我国先后有多家卫生洁具及水件企业被定为定点生产管理企业。生产企业按国家标准生产,流通、设计、城建部门各司其职,限 Th