为了解决盗伐林木材积测定困难的问题,以普通数码相机或3D数码相机为信息采集手段,采用现代近景摄影测量技术,通过计算机相关程序进行图像处理,提取立木测树因子数据信息,编写地径-胸径拟合程序,利用已有的地方各树种的一元材积数学模型库进行立木胸径、材积的预测,并以北京地区25株速生杨的地径、胸径、材积的摄影测量值与外业实测值为例对模型进行验证。结果表明:北京市速生杨一元材积模型为V=0.000 065 678D1.31.941 06[22.126×(1-e-0.072 04D1.3)1.373 8]0.849 29,利用数字摄影测量方法进行盗伐林木材积的计算,所获取的立木地径、胸径、材积参数与实际外业测量参数平均误差分别为1.94%、3.49%、6.82%,以该方法能够获取较为准确的地径、胸径和材积数据。
In order to solve the problem of measuring timber volume for illegal logging, using digital camera or 3D digital camera as the means of information collection, modern close-range photogrammetry technology is used to process the image data through computer-related procedures. - DBH fitting program to estimate the DBH and volume of standing tree based on the existing one-dimensional mathematical model library of tree species. The photogrammetric measurements of DBH, DBH, The value of the model to verify. The results show that the model of fast growing poplar in Beijing is V = 0.000 065 678D1.31.941 06 [22.126 × (1-e-0.072 04D1.3) 1.373 8] 0.849 29. The calculation of illegal timber volume by digital photogrammetry . The average errors of measured diameter, DBH, volumetric parameters and actual field measurement parameters were 1.94%, 3.49% and 6.82% respectively. With this method, more accurate diameter, DBH and volume data can be obtained.