Synergic Extraction of Uranium Thiocyanate by the Ternary System of ABC Species Composed of PMBP-TBP

来源 :Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Taosnowball
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The synergic extraction of uranyl thiocyanate with binary system of 1-phenyl-3-methy1~4-benzoylpyrazolone-5 (PMBP)and tributyl phosphate(TBP)or tetraphenylarsonium chloride [(C6H5)4AsCl] and ternary system of PMBP-TBP-(C6H5 )4AsCl was studied.There was an obvious synergic effect of uranium (VI)from thiocyanate medium in binary and ternary systems.The formation of a ternary extracted complex,(C6H5)4AsUO2.(NCS)A2 TBP,was confirmed by the slope method.A method was first proposed for the calculation of the equilibrium constant of ternary synergic reaction. The synergic extraction of uranyl thiocyanate with binary system of 1-phenyl-3-methy1-4-benzoylpyrazolone-5 (PMBP) and tributyl phosphate (TBP) or tetraphenylarsonium chloride [(C6H5) 4AsCl] and ternary system of PMBP-TBP- C6H5) 4AsCl was studied. Here was an obvious synergic effect of uranium (VI) from thiocyanate medium in binary and ternary systems. The formation of a ternary extracted complex, (C6H5) 4AsUO2. (NCS) A2 TBP, was was by the slope method.A method was first proposed for the calculation of the equilibrium constant of ternary synergic reaction.
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