数字化技术在颌骨缺损修复重建领域的应用已非常广泛,能大大减少口腔颌面外科医师主观因素对手术效果的影响,实现个性化、精确的颌骨重建。移植骨块被固定于缺损区成为颌骨的重要组成部分,骨块组合后的形态及固定的位置可直接影响手术的规划与实施以及最终的义齿修复效果,因此,也应被认为是颌位关系重建的一种形式,数字化技术是颌位关系重建得以实现的重要基础。方案设计时移植骨块在缺损区的空间位置必须遵循一些基本的原则和方法,只有兼顾美观与功能的需求,才能获得理想的颌位关系。笔者结合多年临床经验尝试对这些基本原则与方法进行梳理和总结,以期为临床提供参考。“,”Digital techniques are widely applied into jaw defects reconstruction. Influence of surgeon′s personal factors on surgical results could be greatly reduced. The combined pattern of grafting bone segments and their fixed position in defect area have direct effects on the final results, and should be considered as a form of maxillo-mandibular relationship determination. Digital technology is an important basis for its realization. In the design process, the determination of the space position of the graft in the recipient area must follow some basic principles and methods. Only when the esthetic and masticatory function requirements are considered, can the ideal maxillo-mandibular relationship be obtained. In this paper, the principals and methods of maxillo-mandibular relationship determination and its application in digital jaw defects reconstruction were summarized, in order to provide clinical references and to improve the quality of jaw defects reconstruction.