THE CHARACTERISTICS ANDMODELLING EXPERIMENTS ON THEDEPOSIT-CONTROLLING STRUCTUREOF SHEAR-ZONE GOLD DEPOSITIN CHINArrrrrrrrnWu Xueyi(Institute of Geochemistry, Academia Sinica, Guiyang, 550002, China)rrrrrrrrnshear zone, gold-controlled structure, modelling experimentrrrrrrrrnThe shear-zone gold deposits found in China can be divided into four types: (1) gold deposits controlled by the ductile shear-zones; (2) gold deposits controlled by the brittle-ductile shear zones; (3) gold deposits conntrolled by the ductile-brittle shear zones; (4) gold deposits controlled by the brittle shear zones. These gold deposits mostly occurred in the regions with higher abundance of gold, which underwent a long and complicated evolution-ary process and had obvious zoning and multiperiod metallogenic feature. The modelling exper-imental result of gold-controlled structure shows that the thermodynamics of compresso-shear structures made gold mobilizing and migrating in the earlier stage of shear zone; and that the extension process did metall
THE CHARACTERISTICS AND MODELING EXPERIMENTS ON THEDEPOSIT-CONTROLLING STRUCTUREOF SHEAR-ZONE GOLD DEPOSITIN CHINA r r r r r r nWu Xueyi (Institute of Geochemistry, Academia Sinica, Guiyang, 550002, China) r r r r r r r nhear zone, gold-controlled structure, modeling experiment r r r r r r r nThe shear-zone gold deposits found in (2) gold deposits controlled by the brittle-ductile shear zones; (3) gold deposits conntrolled by the ductile-brittle shear zones; ( 4) gold deposits controlled by the brittle shear zones. These gold deposits mostly occurred in the regions with higher abundance of gold, which underwent a long and complicated evolution-ary process and had obvious zoning and multiperiod metallogenic feature. The modeling exper-imental result of gold-controlled structure shows that the thermodynamics of compresso-shear structures made of gold mobilizing and migrating in the earlie r stage of shear zone; and that the extension process did metall