In the Shanghai drama show to be held in Shanghai this autumn, there is a comic drama “The GPT is not normal” created and performed by the Shanghai comic troupe. (Zhao Huanan, Yan Shunkai screenwriter, director Yan Shunkai) See this play, refreshing. Its main strength is to pay more attention to characterization, let the audience laugh in the sound of some problems, some benefits. The turmoil of hepatitis A that was blown up in Shanghai two years ago has made people feel lingering. At the time when the hepatitis A virus was rampant, there were indeed some people in the community who talked about “liver” discoloration, trepidation and fear and even behaved a little abnormal. It is not only easy for people to be interested in and resonate with the selection of this familiar subject in Shanghai, but also the great possibility of digging comedic elements hidden in the subject itself. Valuable is that the director did not dare to create an external gimmick to please the audience, but to carefully reveal the character of the character of the particularity of the character, and strive to explore the comic elements of personality.