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■第五届家具设计大赛大赛主题:“关注生命、迎接挑战、拥抱未来”;参赛对象:国内外对家具设计有一定认识的青年设计师、社会职业设计师、高等院校工业设计专业教师、各地高等院校特别是家具专业、林业专业、设计类专业的在校学生、对家具设计充满兴趣的所有在校学生、设计公司 ■ Fifth Furniture Design Competition Contest theme: “focus on life, meet the challenges, embrace the future”; Participants: domestic and foreign furniture designers have a certain understanding of social designers, industrial design professional institutions of higher learning teachers, All local institutions of higher learning, especially furniture, forestry, design professional students, interested in furniture design for all students, design companies
描述中国湖北扁蝽科1新种,湖北副形扁蝽Paramorphocoris hubeiensis Bai & Heiss sp.nov..该种和河南副形扁蝽Paramorphocoris henanensis Bai & Heiss,2015相似,但与后者的
记述采自云南和西藏的丽大蚊亚属Formotipula Matsumura,1916二新种,贡山丽大蚊T.(Formotipula) gongshanensis sp.nov.和墨脱丽大蚊T.(F.) medogensis sp.nov.,提供了新种的
  In the bilingual teaching, to culture students English thinking is the operational objectives for the paradigm shift between the Chinese thinking and Englis
[目的]研究被狄斯瓦螨Varroa destructor寄生的西方蜜蜂Apis melliferaL.工蜂蛹期发育过程的若干生理变化,以揭示狄斯瓦螨寄生对西方蜜蜂个体发育的影响.[方法]采用以空心胶
  As China is increasingly strengthening its opening-up policy and extending its global cooperation,the demand for personnel with competent English and busine
蒋才坤 1961年生,1986年毕业于四川美术学院染织美术设计专业,现任四川理工学院美术教师。⒈ 小路 (水粉)⒉ 待 (水粉)⒊ 雨中农家 (水粉)⒋ 月牙田 (水粉)蒋才
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[目的]蜜蜂触角作为嗅觉器官在蜜蜂的采集、繁衍等方面发挥着极其重要的作用.本研究以中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana(简称中蜂)采集蜂触角为材料,通过蛋白质全谱分析鉴定中蜂采