Einstein once said that education is not about remembering various facts, but about how to train the brain to think. Yanjing Institute of Technology attaches great importance to the teaching and training of students as a university that aims at employing talents. At the same time, it invites relevant education experts such as Malu Pavilion, Mou Yanlin and Zhao Juming to come to schools for lectures or ask teachers to observe relevant experts video. At present, the education of most colleges and universities in China is teacher-centered, while the education of most colleges and universities in the United States is student-centered. The author participated in the SC (student-centeredness) teaching reform project of Professor Zhao Ju-ming, and studied the accounting of Yanjing Institute of Technology College “Financial Reporting Analysis” course conducted a teaching reform, the formation of this article, initiate, only for the teaching of this course for the majority of teachers for reference.