任何国家反垄断法的制定都会对这个国家产生深刻的影响 ,我国也不会例外。我国在入世之后 ,全球化趋势进一步加强的形势下制定一部适应 2 1世纪的反垄断法 ,其基本原则的确定意义非常重大。本文希望从对反垄断法的价值和各国现行法的基本原则的两方面分析中寻找到适合中国反垄断法的原则
The formulation of antitrust laws in any country will have a profound impact on this country and our country will be no exception. After China’s accession to the WTO and the trend of globalization are further strengthened, China has formulated an antitrust law that will adapt to the 21st century. The determination of its basic principles is of great significance. This article hopes to find the suitable principle of antitrust law in China from the two aspects of the value of the antitrust law and the basic principles of the existing law in each country