从细雨霏霏的清明,到谷雨前采茶女采摘刚吐出两叶一芽的新茶的时刻,正是杜鹃花在豫南大别山怒放的季节。今春,当年鄂豫皖苏区首府的新县召开第一次文代会,约我去那里,时间是四月五日清明节。我立刻从郑州奔向大别山腹心区。 “山里杜鹃花开了没有?”到达被大山围护着的新县城后,我迫不及待地问当地友人。 “恐怕还要过几天吧……” 第二天清晨,我在山城小街漫步,眼睛一亮,心也跳快了:那个穿综色外套的少女,手中攀一束粉红色的杜鹃花。那浅褐色的貌似干枯的枝儿上,吐出一串串玉兰花苞状的
From the beginning of the rainy days of Qingming, picking tea before harvesting the valley just picked two leaves of a bud of new tea moment, it is the azaleas in the south of the Dabie Mountains in full bloom season. This spring, the first county assembly held in the county seat of the Soviet Union, Jiangsu, and Anhui Provinces of the year then asked me to go there about the Ching Ming Festival on April 5. I immediately from Zhengzhou to the heart area Dabie Mountains. “Did not the rhododendron bloom in the mountains?” After arriving at the new county seat that was under the cover of the mountain, I can not wait to ask my local friends. "The next morning, I walk in the mountain town streets, eyes bright, heart jump fast: the girl in full color coat, the hands of climbing a bunch of pink Azalea. The light brown seemingly dry branches, spit out a string of magnolia flower bud-shaped