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The Land Snails from the Holocene Layers of Arma dell’Aquila(Finale Ligure, Savona-Northernltaly). The land snails of Arma dell’Aquila (Finale Ligure-Savona), were collected during the excavations car-ried out by R_(ICHARD)in 1941-1942 and concern the Early and Middle Neolitic levels. The charcoal studies pro-duced evidence of a Middle Atlantic climate: in vegetation there is a strong presence of Quercus ilex and Quer-cus cfr. pubescensconnected with other thermophylous species like Acer:Acer.Erica arborea.Hedera.Corylus, Fraxi-nus and Prunus.The Mollscan. The Molluscan fauna is mainly composed of big size shell elcments, once again unable andunsufficient to supply sure in formations about the narrow and Light palaeoclimatic changes of their environ-ment. In the faunal association there is a predominance of Pomatias elegans with few mesophile elements(Eo-bahia vermiculata. Cepaea nemoralis, Helix aspersa)and a small edge of hygrophile species(Oxychils cfr. dra-parnandi and Limax). A further element Helicigona cingulata is of less importance for our purpose because ofits relation only to rupestral habitat around the rock-shelter. Such a banal malacological association usually in-habits tbe littoral wooded tyrrhenic biotopes where Quercus cerris and Q. ilex are the most important elements.Between the layers 5_1 and 7_1 it was possible to point out a small change in tbe molluscan fauna in which somewoodland/shade-loving and broken ground species are present (Delima itala, Helicodonta obvoluta, Chon-drina avenacea). The presence of O. cfr. drapanaudi is also increasing. This faunal composition suggests agreater deciduous forest cover and perhaps fewer Q. itex if compared to the superior layers 5 and 4. In the upperstratigraphy(tayers 3 and 3_1)we note a further change in the land-snail fauna with the introduction of two me-so-xerophile species Monacha cartusiana and Cernuella cfr. virgata which occur in open ground and less woo-ded environments. That means a forest clearance. The Land Snails from Arma dell’Aquila (Finale Ligure-Savona), were collected during the excavations of car-ried out by R_ (ICHARD) in 1941-1942 and concern the Early and Middle Neolitic levels. The charcoal studies pro-duced evidence of a Middle Atlantic climate: in vegetation there is a strong presence of Quercus ilex and Quer-cus cfr. pubescens connected with other thermophylous species like Acer: Acer. Erica arborea. Hedera. Corylus, Fraxi-nus and Prunus. The Mollscan. The Molluscan fauna is mainly composed of big size shell elcments, once again failed and very rich to supply sure in formations about the narrow and Light palaeoclimatic changes of their environ- ment. In the faunal association there is a predominance of Pomatias elegans with few mesophile elements (Eo-bahia vermiculata. Cepaea nemoralis, Helix aspersa) and a small edge of hygrophile species (Oxychils cfr. dra-parnandi and Limax). A fu rther element Helicigona cingulata is of less importance for our purpose because ofits relation only to rupestral habitat around the rock-shelter. Such a banal malacological association usually in-habits tbe littoral wooded tyrrhenic biotopes where Quercus cerris and Q. ilex are the most important elements .Between the layers 5_1 and 7_1 it was possible to point out a small change in tbe molluscan fauna in which somewoodland / shade-loving and broken ground species are present (Delima itala, Helicodonta obvoluta, Chon-drina avenacea). The presence of O cfr. drapanaudi is also increasing. This faunal composition suggests agreater deciduous forest cover and perhaps fewer Q. itex if compared to the superior layers 5 and 4. in the upperstratigraphy (tayers 3 and 3_1) we note a further change in the land- snail fauna with the introduction of two me-so-xerophile species Monacha cartusiana and Cernuella cfr. virgata which occur in open ground and less woo-ded environments. That means a forest clearance.
当跆拳道和铁人三项在2000年悉尼奥运会同时被列入奥运会比赛项目时,铁人三项无疑是一项完全新生的运动。跆拳道的起源可追溯到几千年以前,而铁人三项兴起于1978年。 When T
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