呼吸道合胞体病毒(RSV)在65岁以上老年人中有较高的发病与死亡率,尤其对有心肺疾病的体弱老人危害更大,但有关RSV感染与机体免疫状态的相关性研究常限于儿童或青壮年。本文利用流行病学的前瞻性研究方法对体弱老年人RSV感染危险性与血清抗体水平间关系进行了研究。 研究人群为纽约州3所成人日护理中心的老年志愿者,于1992年2月至1994年4月进行为期26个月的随访研究。随访开始时即采
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) has a higher morbidity and mortality among the elderly over the age of 65, especially for frail elderly patients suffering from cardiopulmonary diseases. However, the correlation between RSV infection and immune status is often limited to Children or young adults. In this paper, the epidemiological prospective study of frail elderly RSV infection risk and serum antibody levels were studied. The study population was an elderly volunteer at three adult day care centers in New York State and was followed up for 26 months from February 1992 to April 1994. When the beginning of follow-up mining